Researchers say they have identified eight specific physical signs that strongly indicate impending death in patients with advanced cancer. The findings have been reported online Feb. 9 in Cancer.

Eight Clinical Signs of Impending Death Identified

Findings in patients with advanced cancer could help families prepare, aid end-of-life care choices
Shorter shifts for medical residents don't appear to be making any big improvements in doctors' fatigue levels or in patient care

Advantages of Shorter Resident Shifts Found Lacking

Shorter medical resident duty hours may be worse for patients and only slightly better for residents
For medical students

Confidence Not Accurate Measure of Prescribing Competence

Fourth-year medical students show lack of insight into their own prescribing strengths and weaknesses
It's possible for paramedics to deliver immediate drug treatment to stroke patients

Early Stroke Care Can Start With Paramedics

Study evaluated administration of magnesium sulfate
Early enrollment in cardiac rehabilitation does not increase major adverse event rates among patients who recently underwent open heart surgery

Early Rehab Doesn’t Increase Adverse Events Post-CABG

Findings in coronary artery bypass graft patients entering cardiac rehab within two weeks of discharge
For patients with acute coma

Researchers Identify Predictors of Awakening After Acute Coma

Lesser pineal shift, reduction or no increase in pineal shift on follow-up CT up odds of awakening
For patients with suspected stroke

Prehospital Magnesium Sulfate Doesn’t Benefit Stroke Outcomes

No improvement in disability outcomes at 90 days with prehospital magnesium sulfate therapy
The tragic shooting of surgeon Michael Davidson can be used as an opportunity to find meaning in tragedy

Perspective on Dr. Davidson: ‘Be Like Mike’

Michael Davidson took on highest risk patients, sought to extend lives in cases deemed 'hopeless'
For malnourished adult patients

Nutritional Supplements Can Improve Pressure Ulcer Healing

Eight weeks of formula enriched with arginine, zinc, and antioxidants linked to improved healing
For a growing number of Americans

Many Americans Suffering in Final Year of Life

Significant increase in symptoms, despite efforts to improve end-of-life care