More Than Half of U.S. Medical Interns Experience Sexual Harassment
Variation seen by institution and specialty training
Immediate Skin-to-Skin Contact Beneficial in Very Preterm Birth Setting
Higher quality mother-infant interaction seen at 4 months for those with immediate skin-to-skin contact after very preterm birth
Daily Toothbrushing Cuts Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia
Findings particularly strong among patients undergoing invasive mechanical ventilation
Burnout, Lack of Fulfillment Linked to Physician Intention to Leave
Inverse associations with intention to leave seen for increases in supportive leadership behavior, peer support, perceived gratitude
Digital Air Leak Detection Device Can Help Reduce Chest Tube Duration
Device can speed identification of chest tube air leak cessation, resulting in reduced chest tube duration, hospital LOS
Lower Mortality, Better Outcomes Seen for Women With Gun-Related Injury
Women have lower rate of in-hospital mortality, deep vein thrombosis, lower incidence of drug, alcohol withdrawal syndrome
Withholding Intubation Helpful for Comatose Patients With Acute Poisoning
Benefits seen for composite of in-hospital death and length of intensive care unit and hospital stay
Geographic Variability Seen in County-Level Preterm Birth Rates
No significant change seen in preterm birth rates between 2007 and 2019 at national level, but increases noted in 15.4 percent of counties
CDC: Admission Rate to ICU 1.8 Per 1,000 Live Births for Mothers
Lower rates seen for White non-Hispanic mothers, mothers younger than 25 years; higher rates seen for higher-order births
Umbilical Cord Milking Seems Safe for Preemies Born at 28 to 32 Weeks
No difference seen in rates of severe intraventricular hemorrhage or death with umbilical cord milking, delayed cord clamping