
Female Sex, Work Culture Biggest Contributors to Physician Burnout


Compared with electronic health record usage at an academic medical center, clinician sex and work culture contributed more to burnout

Proportion of Black Physicians Has Changed Little Since 1900


Racial income differences were statistically significant each survey year, with difference of $50,000 in 2018

Mortality Up With Surgery Within Six Weeks of SARS-CoV-2 Infection


When possible, delay of at least seven weeks after SARS-CoV-2 diagnosis should be sought; however, mortality rates higher for those with ongoing symptoms

Many Women Feel Left Out of Decisions on Breast Cancer Care


Large proportion of women believe their surgeon effectively made the decision on their reconstructive surgery options

One in Five Health Care Workers Reports Mental Health Conditions


Review shows high prevalence of depression, anxiety, and PTSD during the COVID-19 pandemic

Good Response Seen With Reopening


CMS figures show more than 206,000 people signed up for coverage from Feb. 15 to 28

Factors Other Than Workplace Tied to COVID-19 Positivity in HCWs


Demographic, community factors show stronger influence than workplace exposure on COVID-19 risk in health care workers

Many Health Care Workers Report Vaccine Hesitancy


However, data are from survey conducted prior to U.S. emergency use authorization of any vaccines

Supreme Court Should Uphold Affordable Care Act: Biden Administration


Health law provides about 23 million people with health insurance, prevents discrimination against preexisting conditions

Sexual-Minority Medical Students Have Higher Burnout


Reported burnout exists regardless of perceived experiences of mistreatment