
Female Residents Underrepresented in High-Compensation Specialties


High-compensation surgical specialties experienced increase in the proportion of female applicants and matriculants from 2008 to 2022

Nicotine, Marijuana Use Underreported by Plastic Surgery Patients


However, plastic surgery complications do not differ by urine test results

Skin of Color Has More Adverse Events From Sclerotherapy


Postinflammatory hyperpigmentation seen more often versus lighter skin tones

FDA Warns Against Using Chemical Peels Without Professional Supervision


People who are buying and using at-home chemical peels are ending up burned and scarred

Relatively High Frequency of Emergency Complications Seen for Dermatological Procedures


53 percent of dermatologists reported emergency complications during dermatological and surgical procedures; 43.2 percent during cosmetic procedures

Disparities Persist in Postmastectomy Reconstruction


American Indian/Alaska Native women remain 38 percent less likely to receive postmastectomy reconstruction than White women

Dose Requirements for Glabellar Botulinum Toxin Higher in High-Sun Climate


Low sun-exposure group had significantly lower total dose requirements in multivariable analyses correcting for age

CDC Reports Seven Cases of Illness After Possible Counterfeit Botox Injections


Four of the cases, identified in Tennessee, received counterfeit botulinum neurotoxin, administered by unlicensed individual

More Women Than Men Experience Nonphysical Violence in Health Care Workforce


Women more likely to experience verbal abuse, sexual harassment, bullying, while men more likely to experience physical violence

Rates of Gender-Affirming Surgery Examined in Cisgender Males, Gender-Diverse


Eighty percent of breast reductions among cisgender male and TGD adults in study performed on cisgender males