The prices hospitals charge patients for a number of common procedures rose more than 10 percent between 2011 and 2013

CMS: Hospital Charges for Common Procedures Up

And hematologists/oncologists and ophthalmologists top list of high earners

May 2015 Briefing – Cosmetic Surgery

Here are what the editors at HealthDay consider to be the most important developments in Cosmetic Surgery for May 2015. This roundup includes the...
Thousands of breast cancer patients in the United States might be spared a second surgery if more tissue was removed during initial breast-conserving

ASCO: Greater Breast Tissue Removal Reduces Further Surgery

Removing extra tissue can halve the chances of requiring a second surgery in breast cancer
Smokers and patients exposed to secondhand smoke may require more anesthesia and opioids during surgery than nonsmokers

Smoke Exposure May Create Need for More Anesthesia

Effect seems to extend to patients exposed to secondhand smoke, as well as smokers
The rapidly rising number of bariatric surgeries in the United States may be leading to greater demand for cosmetic surgery

ASPS: Bariatric Surgeries Leading to Rise in Cosmetic Procedures

Procedures associated with major weight loss increased the most in four years
Insulin resistance does not appear to be a significant factor in post-adolescent acne

Insulin Resistance Not Linked to Post-Adolescent Acne

No differences in fasting blood glucose, fasting insulin, HOMA-IR index for post-teen acne, controls
Low physician spending is contributing to an overall slowing of health care costs

AMA: Physicians Driving the Slowing of Health Care Costs

Physicians' spending grew more slowly over 2003 to 2013 than hospital and clinical spending
Soft tissue fillers used in cosmetic procedures can be unintentionally injected into blood vessels in the face and cause serious harm

FDA Warns of Soft Tissue Filler Injection Into Blood Vessels

When injections accidentally enter blood vessels, blockages and damage can occur
Caution should be exercised with use of electronic health record documentation short cuts

Caution Urged When Using EHR Shortcut Features

Information should be checked and updated to avoid cloning and up-coding
Three steps that can be implemented by front desk staff can help increase practices' cash flow

Front Desk Staff Has Key Role in Managing Practice Cash Flow

Tips to implement include verification of insurance status, collection at time of service, ease of payment