The incidence of paradoxical adipose hyperplasia following cryolipolysis may be higher than previously described

Higher Incidence of Paradoxical Adipose Hyperplasia Reported

Two case reports in single practice indicate incidence of 0.47 percent; higher than described previously
Patients age 70 or older are at greater risk of unanticipated hospital admission within 30 days of ambulatory surgery

Improved Care Transitions Needed Post Ambulatory Surgery

Age independently associated with hospital admission
About 10 percent of cases where a drug does serious harm are not reported to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration within the required 15-day period

Delays Noted in the Reporting of Serious Patient Harms to FDA

Analysis found roughly 10 percent of cases were filed after 15-day deadline passed
As a result of the increasing popularity of high-deductible health care plans

Expansion of High-Deductible Plans to Impact Physician Care

Physicians must be able to balance provision of good clinical care with ability to limit costs
An 810- and 940-nm diode laser is safe and efficacious for treating facial skin laxity

Diode Laser Safe, Effective for Treating Facial Skin Laxity

Significant improvements in laxity of facial skin at one and three months after treatment
Picosecond-domain Nd:YAG laser incorporating a potassium-titanyl-phosphate frequency-doubling crystal is safe and effective for removing decorative tattoos

Picosecond-Domain Laser Safe for Removing Decorative Tattoos

Average clearance of 79 percent after 6.5 treatments for 21 subjects with 31 decorative tattoos
Clinicians may be biased when it comes to the sexual orientation of patients

Clinicians May Harbor Biases About Sexual Orientation

Findings show need for sensitivity training, expert suggests
Strategies should be adopted to help with implementation of the Choosing Wisely program

Choosing Wisely: How to Implement in Clinical Practice

Strategies to improve chance of success include familiarization with evidence behind recs
Measures can be taken to encourage patients to use patient portals to help ensure practices meet current Stage 2 meaningful use requirements

AMA Suggests Ways to Encourage Use of Patient Portals

Suggestions include training staff on portal use; showing patients how to use the portal
Experts are speaking out against "sunburn art

Trend Alert: Sunburn ‘Art’ Growing Presence on Social Media

Experts warn against the dangers of the increasingly popular practice