Electronic portfolios are being used to transform medical students' assessments and track progress as students advance through medical training

E-Portfolio Developed to Assess Millennial Med Students

Vanderbilt University School of Medicine has developed complex system to chart performance
A small but promised Medicare pay increase has effectively been reduced to zero for all physician specialties

AAFP: Expected 0.5 Percent Pay Increase Reduced to Zero

Medicare physician fee schedule shows expected Medicare pay increase reduced for all specialties
Occupational burnout appears to reduce clinical faculty members' readiness to change teaching approaches

Burnout Reduces Readiness to Change Teaching Approaches

Clinical faculty with low occupational burnout more likely to be in action stage of change
Direct patient contracting practices

ACP Issues Guidance on ‘Concierge’ Practices

Growth of DPCPs fueled by physicians' frustration; may exacerbate disparities in health care
A web-based cognitive behavioral therapy program is effective for preventing suicidal ideation among medical interns

Web-Based CBT Program Cuts Suicidal Ideation in Interns

Web-based cognitive behavioral therapy program reduces likelihood of endorsing suicidal ideation
Expanding protocols for rooming and discharge can allow physicians to free up an hour or more of time per day

Expanding Rooming, Discharge Office Protocols Can Save Time

Delegating rooming, discharge tasks to clinical support staff can save physicians ≥1 hour/day
The American College of Physicians has joined other organizations in an amicus curiae brief to the Supreme Court

ACP Joins Amicus Curiae Brief to Supreme Court

Brief urges Supreme Court to uphold considerations of race, ethnicity in med school application process
Abdominoplasty is linked with more major complications than other types of cosmetic surgery

In Plastic Surgery, Complications Highest for Abdominoplasty

Combining the surgery with another cosmetic procedure boosts the risk by 50 percent
The more tests and treatments U.S. doctors order for patients

Doctors Who Order More Tests Have Fewer Malpractice Claims

Study explores link between 'defensive medicine' and malpractice claims
Most Americans now support aggressive regulation to keep health care costs in check -- including price caps on drugs

Poll: Americans Want Health Care Costs Kept in Check

Suggestions include price controls on drugs, hospitals, and doctors