Chronic pulmonary silicone embolism related to saline breast implants has been detailed in a letter to the editor published in the January issue of the Annals of the American Thoracic Society.

Breast Implants Linked to Chronic Pulmonary Silicone Embolism

Case report describes chronic pulmonary silicone embolism related to saline implants
The combination of hyaluronic acid filler with botulinum neurotoxin type A is associated with reduced degradation

Hyaluronic Acid Filler Degradation Down With Add-On Botulinum

Experimental study shows drop in degradation of filler with botulinum neurotoxin type A
For patients with chronic conditions

Many Patients Using E-Mail As First Method of Provider Contact

Online communications reduced need for phone calls and office visits for many
One porcine rib can be used to create an aesthetic and durable framework for external ear repair using a modular component assembly approach

Modular Component Assembly Feasible for Ear Reconstruction

Approach decreases total amount of rib needed for scaffold construction
Interest in tanning peaks prior to the summer months

Interest in Tanning Practices Is Seasonal

Interest peaks in March in Canada and United States, and in September in Australia

December 2015 Briefing – Cosmetic Surgery

Here are what the editors at HealthDay consider to be the most important developments in Cosmetic Surgery for December 2015. This roundup includes the...
Physician burnout is the top issue for physicians in 2015

AMA: Burnout Is Top Issue for Physicians in 2015

More than half of docs report at least one symptom of burnout; efforts being undertaken to address burnout
Prices at hospitals in monopoly markets are 15 percent higher than those at hospitals in areas with at least four providers

Higher Hospital Prices in U.S. ‘Monopoly Markets’

Hospital prices positively associated with indicators of hospital market power
In order to prevent denials

Specific, Consistent ICD-10 Coding Key to Timely Payments

Tips to prevent denials include checking EHR selection against documentation, being specific
Implementation of the Affordable Care Act has improved access to care and affordability of care for many adults

Affordable Care Act Has Improved Access to Care, Affordability

However, gaps in access to care and affordability still seen, especially for low-income adults