Given the current political climate and issues of bipartisan concern

Possibility for Health Care Legislation Changes in 2016

Bipartisan issues could be on agenda, including elimination of proposed tax on medical devices
Submental fat can be reduced safely and effectively with a small volume cryolipolysis vacuum applicator

Submental Fat Reduced With Cryolipolysis Vacuum Applicator

Clinical evaluation of 60 patients demonstrated safe and effective reduction in submental fat
More Americans than ever are satisfied with their visits to the doctor

Patient Satisfaction With Doctors May Be on the Rise

Physician's expertise, time spent in exam room, and online access to info were key factors in trend
Endoscopic suction-assisted evaluation of the internal nasal valve can measure internal nasal valve area and function

Novel Technique Measures Internal Nasal Valve Surface Area

Endoscopic suction-assisted evaluation can be used for measuring pre-op, post-op compliance
Physicians facing death are less likely to demand aggressive care

Physicians Choose Less Aggressive Care at End of Life

Doctors less likely to die in a hospital, have surgery, and to be admitted to the ICU
Intradermal platelet-rich plasma injection in combination with narrowband-ultraviolet B (NB-UVB) phototherapy improves repigmentation versus NB-UVB alone in patients with vitiligo

Platelet-Rich Plasma Added to NB-UVB Beneficial in Vitiligo

Significant improvement in repigmentation compared with narrowband UVB alone
Patient satisfaction scores are influenced by the design and implementation of patient surveys

Design of Physician Satisfaction Surveys Affects Results

Author makes recommendations for improving the accuracy and utility of scores
For patients with maxillofacial trauma

Injury Severity Impacts Time to Repair in Maxillofacial Trauma

Other factors tied to increased time to repair include concurrent injuries, decreased Glasgow Coma Score
Greater transparency is being promoted in clinical research

Greater Transparency Being Promoted in Research

Move toward greater transparency has extended beyond medication products to other interventions
Platelet-rich plasma combined with microneedling is efficacious for the treatment of atrophic acne scars

Platelet-Rich Plasma Efficacious for Atrophic Acne Scars

Combo of platelet-rich plasma and microneedling shows good response in split-face study