Negotiations to increase payment from insurance companies can be extremely difficult

Guidance Offered for Negotiating Higher Rates From Payers

Compiling the information needed to approach insurance companies is time consuming
The rate of revision septorhinoplasty is 3.3 percent

Revision Rate of 3.3 Percent for Septorhinoplasty Surgery

Characteristics associated with increased risk include younger age, female sex, history of anxiety
Problematic clauses in physicians' contracts can impact patient care and professionalism

Physicians’ Contracts Can Affect Patients, Professionalism

Problematic clauses in contracts include blanket confidentiality clauses, termination without cause

American Academy of Dermatology, March 4-8

The 74th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology The annual meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology was held from March...
Many American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery members use online streaming media to learn new techniques

Online Media Often Used to Learn New Surgical Techniques

64.1 percent of AAFPRS members report having used online media at least once to learn new technique
Physicians who are married to a highly-educated spouse are less likely to work in rural underserved areas

Spouse Education Level May Impact Choice for Rural Practice

Lower odds of working in rural HPSA for physicians married to a highly-educated spouse
The Supreme Court has ruled against state efforts to collect health care data from insurance plans.

SCOTUS: States Can’t Force Health Care Data Release

Supreme Court rules states can't force health insurers to turn over data

February 2016 Briefing – Cosmetic Surgery

Here are what the editors at HealthDay consider to be the most important developments in Cosmetic Surgery for February 2016. This roundup includes the...
Gluteal augmentation is now the fastest-growing type of plastic surgery in the United States

ASPS: Gluteal Augmentation Rising in Popularity in U.S.

New data on plastic surgery trends also finds men increasingly undergoing breast reductions
Post-rhinoplasty taping can help the skin envelope to compress and is particularly useful in thick-skinned patients

Post-Rhinoplasty Taping Beneficial for Skin Envelope

Significant effect on mean nasal skin thickness and rhinion in thick-skinned patients