In a case report published online March 17 in JAMA Ophthalmology

Endogenous Endophthalmitis ID’d After Breast Implant Surgery

Case report describes endophthalmitis with chorioretinal involvement caused by Candida albicans
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration wants to ban most powdered medical gloves

FDA: Most Powdered Medical Gloves Should Be Banned in U.S.

Side effects include airway and wound inflammation, agency says
Leave-on facial skin care products seem to be associated with frontal fibrosing alopecia

Leave-On Facial Products Linked to Frontal Fibrosing Alopecia

Women with FFA have greater sunscreen use than control women
A case before a state supreme court could potentially expose physicians to large fines based on a legal technicality relating to what they should have known

Case Before Supreme Court May Expose Doctors to Large Fines

Case surrounds whether liability under IFPA can be based on what a practice should have known
For infantile hemangiomas

Propranolol for Hemangiomas Doesn’t Impair Infant Growth

Only four of 76 patients' growth curves dropped off more than 20 percentiles during therapy
Leave-on facial skin care products seem to be associated with frontal fibrosing alopecia

Leave-On Facial Products Linked to Frontal Fibrosing Alopecia

Women with FFA have greater sunscreen use than control women
Spending on prescription medications for insured Americans increased about 5 percent in 2015

Spending on Prescription Meds Up About 5 Percent in 2015

Increase due to increased medication use and higher prices; increase about half that of 2014
Fractional high-intensity focused radiofrequency delivered to the dermis is effective for skin laxity of the lower face/neck

Neck Laxity Improved With High-Intensity Focused Radiofrequency

Fractional HiFR safe and effective for treatment of skin laxity in lower face/neck
Disruptive patients may get worse care from physicians

Disruptive Patients Distract Docs, May Receive Compromised Care

In fictional scenarios, doctors were distracted by bad behaviors during diagnosis, made more errors
In an effort to reduce burnout among physicians

Mayo Clinic Has Established Model to Help Battle Burnout

Model considers three factors that physicians need: choice, social connectedness, and excellence