
Prevalence of Recreational Drug Use 11 Percent in Cardiac ICUs


Those using recreational drugs have higher rate of in-hospital major adverse events

Higher Cardiorespiratory Fitness Protects Men Against Many Cancers


Benefits seen for head/neck, stomach, pancreatic, liver, colon, kidney, and lung cancer

U.S. Adults See Smoking Cannabis as Safer Than Tobacco


Similar pattern seen for exposure to secondhand cannabis smoke versus tobacco smoke

Pain at One Year Post-MI Linked to Increased Risk for Mortality


Hazard ratios were 1.35 and 2.06 for moderate and extreme pain measured at one year after hospital discharge

Pandemic Tied to Greater Weight Gain in Youths 10 to 12 Years Old


Effects of the pandemic on weight gain were most pronounced in low-income youth

Median Door-in-Door-Out Time 174 Minutes for Interhospital Stroke Transfer


Only 27.3 percent of patients with acute ischemic, hemorrhagic stroke had a door-in-door-out time of ≤120 minutes

Improved Outcomes Seen With Lower 2021 KDIGO BP Target


Risk for composite kidney outcome reduced with lower 2021 KDIGO BP target versus 2012 KDIGO target

Recent Rise in Disability, Years of Life Lost From CVD Due to Air Pollution


Age-standardized rates for deaths decreased, but all-age disability-adjusted life years increased

Weight Gain, but No Increase in BP, Seen With Low-Dose Glucocorticoids in RA


Glucocorticoids led to 1.1 kg more weight gain than control treatment over two years using data from five pooled RCTs

Adjustment for Risk Factors Cuts Black-White CVD Mortality Disparity


Hazard ratio for CVD mortality for Blacks versus Whites no longer significant after adjustment for social risk factors