
Food Additive Emulsifier Intake Linked to Risk for CVD


Higher intake of celluloses (E460 to E468) positively associated with higher risks for CVD and coronary heart disease

Upfront Combo Lipid-Lowering Therapy Best for Acute Coronary Syndrome


Combination approach better than statin monotherapy for all-cause mortality at one, three, and five years in acute coronary syndromes

Pulmonary Embolism-Related Mortality Remained Unchanged From 2006 to 2019


Age-adjusted mortality rate increased for men versus women and Black versus White patients

Statin Use Linked to Reduced Risk for CRC Incidence, Mortality in Patients With IBD


Benefit for incident CRC was duration-dependent, with significantly reduced risk after two or more years of use

DOACs Reduce Dementia Risk Versus Warfarin in A-Fib


Significant reductions were seen in dementia risk for rivaroxaban, apixaban, and dabigatran versus warfarin in network meta-analysis

Availability of CVD Meds Varies by Low-Cost Generic Program


Variation in coverage seen by program, drug, and cardiovascular disease condition

Obesity-Linked CV Mortality Increased From 1999 to 2020


Highest age-adjusted mortality rates seen for Black individuals, and greatest temporal increase found in American Indian and Alaska Native individuals

Major Discharge Barriers Present for One in 10 Hospitalized Patients


Prolonged length of stay is often due to need for skilled therapy or daily living support in medically ready patients

Psychosocial Stressors Tied to Incident Atrial Fibrillation in Postmenopausal Women


Analysis revealed two clusters of highly correlated psychosocial factors -- stress and strain

Even Five Years Postapproval, Many Drug Studies Remain Nonpublic


Authors urge greater transparency of study results for drugs approved by the FDA