For patients with left breast cancer

Active Breathing Coordinator Beneficial in RT for Left Breast CA

Significant reduction in mean radiation dose to heart, with preservation of local control
For patients with symptomatic supraventricular tachycardia

Caffeine Doesn’t Affect Cardiac Conduction, Refractoriness in SVT

However, does up BP in supraventricular tachycardia
Physicians work long hours

Most Docs Work 40 to 60 Hours Per Week

Considerable proportion work 61 to 80 or more hours; half of docs would prefer to work fewer hours
Being sedentary may be twice as deadly as being obese

Sedentary Lifestyle Worse for Health Than Obesity

Just a 20-minute brisk walk each day can lower odds of early death, researchers add
The increasing use of medical scribes should not be a replacement for improving electronic health records

Impact of Medical Scribes on EHR Advancement Discussed

Use of medical scribes should not be replacement for improvement of EHRs
A diagnosis of metabolic syndrome is associated with higher risk of endometrial cancer

Metabolic Sx Tied to Higher Risk of Endometrial Cancer

Excess weight likely a big factor, but other conditions also appear to matter
Mortality risk in older Medicare patients who undergo carotid artery stenting is high

Benefit of Carotid Stenting in Elderly Called Into Question

A third of older patients died within two years of procedure
Over four decades (1970 to 2010)

Community Efforts Saved Lives, Cut Costs in Maine

Better screening, control of high cholesterol and blood pressure cut deaths and hospitalizations
Working long hours may raise the risk for alcohol abuse

Working Long Hours? Beware Risky Alcohol Consumption

Researchers find link between long hours on the job and excess alcohol consumption
Guidelines have been developed for clinical documentation and interrelated issues. The position paper has been published online Jan. 13 in the Annals of Internal Medicine.

Guidelines Presented for Clinical Documentation in 21st Century

Recommendations provided for clinicians, provider institutions, government regulators, payers