Eating nuts

Nuts, Including Peanut Butter, May Improve Longevity

Hints, but doesn't prove, they might reduce risk of death from cardiovascular disease, other causes
An invasive strategy using coronary angiography results in a better outcome in elderly patients with non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome

Invasive Strategy Improves Outcome in Elderly With ACS

Outcome better with coronary angiography for non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome
Key steps should be taken to minimize the potential risk of liability resulting from use of telemedicine

AMA: Key Steps for Minimizing Liability Risk in Telemedicine

Include defining minimum requirement necessary for establishing doctor-patient relationship
Health care workers who are involved in procedures utilizing radiation more often report experiencing work-related musculoskeletal pain

More Musculoskeletal Pain for Workers in Interventional Lab

Musculoskeletal pain highest among technicians and nurses; lower for physicians, trainees
Heart failure patients who struggle to perform daily tasks are at increased risk for hospitalization and death

Struggle With Routine Tasks Predicts Adverse CHF Outcomes

Struggling patients more likely to be hospitalized than those who can handle basic chores
For men with recent acute myocardial infarction

Home Walking Program Improves Erectile Function After MI

Correlation identified between functional capacity and erectile function improvement
Higher dietary intake of whole grains may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease

Review: More Whole Grains, Less Coronary Heart Disease

Inverse associations between whole-grain intake and CHD risk found in the U.S. and Europe
For aspirin-sensitive patients undergoing everolimus-eluting stent implantation

Six-Month Dual Antiplatelet Tx Noninferior to 24-Month DAPT

Findings show noninferiority for six-months of treatment in aspirin-sensitive patients
Younger women may ignore early warning signs of an acute myocardial infarction (AMI)

Younger Women Hesitate to Raise ‘False Alarm’ in MI

Could help explain higher mortality from acute MI, compared to men in same age group
Intense anger or anxiety greatly increases the risk of acute myocardial infarction

Bouts of Intense Anger Greatly Up Heart Attack Risk

Explosive anger increased risk eight-fold, researchers found