Higher total white blood cell and neutrophil counts are independent predictors of stroke in older Japanese-American men

WBC, Neutrophil Counts Predict Stroke Risk in Older Asian Men

Higher total WBC, neutrophil counts independently predict stroke in older Japanese-American men

American College of Cardiology, March 14-16

The American College of Cardiology's 64th Annual Scientific Session & Expo The annual meeting of the American College of Cardiology was held from...
For patients with persistent atrial fibrillation and heart failure

ACC: Catheter Ablation Tops Amiodarone for Persistent A-Fib

More patients with persistent AF and heart failure are recurrence-free with catheter ablation
For obese patients with atrial fibrillation

ACC: Sustained Weight Loss Cuts A-Fib Burden

Weight loss of >10 percent linked to six-fold increase in odds of arrhythmia-free survival
For patients with multivessel coronary artery disease

ACC: CV Events Up for PCI With Everolimus-Eluting Stents

Second study shows similar risk of death for PCI with everolimus-eluting stents, CABG
Cardiac screening with resting or stress electrocardiography

Cardiac Screening Not Advised for Low-Risk Adults

Cardiac screening not linked to improved patient outcomes; is associated with potential harms
Vitamin D supplementation is not associated with a reduction in blood pressure

Review: No Blood Pressure Lowering Effect for Vitamin D

No reductions in systolic, diastolic BP in trial-level analysis, individual patient data analysis
The Obama Administration reported Monday the largest drop in the number of Americans without health insurance since the Johnson administration expanded health coverage through Medicare and Medicaid 50 years ago.

More Than 16 Million Americans Have Gained Coverage Under ACA

White House announces historic drop in number of uninsured Americans
Increasing diet soda intake is tied to greater abdominal obesity in older adults

Diet Soda Intake Tied to Belly Fat in Older Adults

Findings show a dose-response relationship, even when adjusting for other factors
For patients with suspected angina due to coronary heart disease

ACC: CTCA Alters Diagnosis, Management in Suspected Angina

CTCA alters diagnosis, testing, tx for patients with suspected angina due to coronary heart disease