
Timing of Pubertal Development Tied to Adult Cardiometabolic Risk


Later breast development, pubic hair onset, and menarche onset each predict lower adulthood risk

Patients Interested in Learning About Preeclampsia Risk


Furthermore, survey respondents said they would be motivated to act if determined to be at high risk

Heart Transplant Offer Acceptance Highest for White Women


Cumulative incidence of offer acceptance was lower for Black than White candidates and higher for women than men

Global Adult Mortality Rates Increased During COVID-19


Increase seen during pandemic period, following decrease between 1950 and 2019; child mortality continued to drop during pandemic

Nontraditional Risk Factors for Stroke Key for Younger Adults


More strokes associated with nontraditional than traditional risk factors among adults aged 18 to 34 years

Four in 10 Adults Choose Telemedicine Visits


Video visits less likely among older patients and those without internet access

Mental Health Treatment Linked to Better Outcomes in CAD, Heart Failure


Patients receiving mental health treatment less likely to be rehospitalized, have ED visit, die from any cause

Physicians Concerned About Private Equity’s Impact on Health Care


Greatest concerns are around physician well-being, health care spending, and equity

Fresh, Delivered Produce Tied to Improvements in CVD Risk Factors


Significant improvements seen for produce consumption, physical activity, non-high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and HbA1c

LE8 Can Improve Future Heart Health in Women With History of Complicated Pregnancy


Findings seen among women at high risk for cardiovascular disease due to a prior adverse pregnancy outcome