Hospital Mortality Lower for Patients Treated by Female Physicians
Benefit of receiving treatment from female physicians larger for female than male patients
2000-2010 to 2011-2022 Saw Increase in Lifetime Risk for A-Fib
Most frequent complication after atrial fibrillation was heart failure, with lifetime risk of more than 42 percent
Gains in Heart Health Only Experienced by Higher-Income Populations
10-year risk for cardiovascular disease remained stagnant at >8 percent for U.S. adults with the lowest incomes in 1988 to 2018
Risk for Adverse Outcomes Increased With Antipsychotic Use in Dementia
Risks increased for stroke, venous thromboembolism, myocardial infarction, heart failure, fracture, pneumonia, acute kidney injury
High Levels of Pesticides Found in 20 Percent of Fruits, Vegetables
Sixty-five of 100 samples of the most contaminated produce were imported, often originating from Mexico
PCPs Provide Most of the Care Related to Life’s Essential 8
Up to half of people with a cardiovascular risk factor did not see a primary care clinician or cardiologist in the past year
Big Health Care Disparities Persist Across the U.S., New Report Finds
Arrythmias Are Significant Comorbidity in Adult Congenital Heart Disease
Arrhythmias in previous six months linked to increased multivariable-adjusted hospitalization rate
Reports of Injuries, Deaths Prompt FDA to Recall Heart Failure Devices
Hundreds of injuries and 14 deaths have been linked to the devices
Midlife Mortality Higher in U.S. Than Other High-Income Countries
Not to the extent of the United States, but midlife deaths are worsening in the United Kingdom as well