AI Can Use ECG Images to Define Risk for Cancer Therapy-Linked Cardiac Dysfunction
In recent study, incidence of CTRCD and LVEF <40 percent were higher in association with high- versus low-risk AI ECG screen
Hot Flashes May Occur More Often in Second Half of Nightly Sleep
Authors say future research needed to see impact on REM sleep, cardiovascular disease
Predictive Models for HTN Screening Developed Using Speech Recordings
Accuracies were up to 84 percent for women and 77 percent for men using HTN threshold of SBP ≥135 mmHg and DBP ≥85 mmHg
Smoking Cessation Linked to Lower Risk for Atrial Fibrillation
Compared with current smokers, adjusted risk for AF was lower in former smokers and those who quit during the study
Many U.S. Adults With Uncontrolled HTN Are Unaware of HTN Status
70.8 percent of those who were aware of their HTN status and met criteria for meds had uncontrolled hypertension
Statin Therapy Cost-Effectively Improves Health Outcomes for ≥70s
Lifetime use of standard statin increased QALYs by 0.24 to 0.70, with further increase seen for higher-intensity statins
Insulin Resistance Linked to Risk for More Than 30 Diseases
Twenty-six positive, five negative correlations seen, as well as link between insulin resistance and all-cause mortality in women
Breast Arterial Calcifications May Be Marker for Future Heart Disease
Authors say breast arterial calcifications identified on mammogram should be routinely reported
Quadruple Single Pill Superior for Resistant Hypertension
Reductions seen in mean office sitting systolic BP and sitting diastolic BP and in mean 24-hour ambulatory systolic BP
Weight-Loss Surgery Benefits Blood Pressure Management
Benefits include remission and control of hypertension while cutting dependence on antihypertensive medications