
Even Modest Weight Loss Tied to Lower Health Care Spending


Finding seen for adults with overweight or obesity and either employer-sponsored insurance or Medicare coverage

Consuming More Plant Than Animal Protein Cuts Risk for Cardiovascular Disease


Benefit seen for overall cardiovascular disease and coronary artery disease, but not for stroke

Rules-Based Electronic Triggers Effectively ID Missed Opportunities in Diagnosis


Findings seen for treat-and-release emergency department visits at Veterans Affairs health care sites

Tibolone, Oral Estrogen-Progestin Therapy Linked to Risk for Heart Disease


Risk for ischemic heart disease elevated for initiators of tibolone or oral estrogen-progestin therapy

Socioeconomic Factors May Not Predict Rheumatoid Arthritis Disease Activity


Significant associations only observed for patients seen in an academic clinical setting, but not at a safety net hospital

Small Amounts of Vigorous Activity Beneficial for Nonexercising Women


Very small amounts of vigorous intermittent lifestyle physical activity linked to significant reduction in MACE for women

Cardiovascular Risk and Obesity Affect Brain Volume in Middle Age


Strongest influence seen between 55 and 64 years in men and between 65 and 74 years in women

Long-Term Sex Hormone Treatment in Transgender Care Tied to Changes in Body Composition


Longitudinal changes seen in regional fat and muscle composition and cardiometabolic biomarkers

Deprescribing Antihypertensives Not Tied to Hospitalization for Heart Attack, Stroke


Estimated unadjusted cumulative incidence did not differ between long-term care residents who were deprescribed or continued antihypertensives

Preferential Promotion of White Men Persisting in Academic Medicine


Black women significantly less likely to be promoted to assistant professor, full professor compared with White men