Health care has modest effects on extending life expectancy in the United States

Access to Health Care Has Little Impact on Longevity

Social, behavioral factors account for greater portion of premature mortality than does health care
An intervention designed to address barriers to asthma self-management improves asthma outcomes among older adults

Targeting Barriers to Self-Care Benefits Seniors With Asthma

Home- and clinic-based interventions better for improving asthma control, quality of life in seniors
Physician misconduct is being underreported and most Americans do not know where to file a complaint

Survey Indicates Physician Misconduct Is Underreported

Most Americans do not know that state medical board is best resource to contact in case of complaint
A rapidly cycling work roster is effective in reducing weekly work hours and the occurrence of >16 consecutive-hour shifts as well as improving sleep duration of resident physicians

Rapid Cycling Work Roster Improves Resident Sleep Practices

In addition, decreases seen in weekly work hours and in the occurrence of >16 consecutive hour shifts
The electronic-AsthmaTracker app aids self-monitoring and improves asthma outcomes among pediatric patients and their parents

App Helps Pediatric Asthma Patients, Parents Self-Monitor

With one year of use, improvements seen in asthma outcomes
For children with eczema

Staphylococcus aureus Linked to Food Sensitization in Eczema

Children with S. aureus more likely to have persistent egg, peanut allergy independent of eczema severity

May 2019 Briefing – Allergy

Here are what the editors at HealthDay consider to be the most important developments in Allergy for May 2019. This roundup includes the latest...
Providing assistance for physician impairment and rehabilitation is addressed in a position statement issued by the American College of Physicians and published online June 4 in the Annals of Internal Medicine.

ACP Issues Position on Response to Physician Impairment

Rehabilitated doctors should be reintegrated into practice as long as patient safety not compromised
High costs are associated with physician turnover and reduced clinical hours attributed to burnout

High Costs Associated With Physician Burnout in U.S.

Nationally, about $4.6 billion in costs are related to physician turnover, reduced clinical hours
About half of immunosuppressed persons reported participating in cleanup activities following Hurricane Harvey

Many Immunosuppressed Persons Join in Hurricane Cleanup

Use of respirators low, with about half of those engaged in heavy cleanup wearing respirator