Lower Birth Weight May Protect Against Allergies
However, effects might differ between allergic diseases
Patient Portal Use Has Positive Impact on Preventive Health Behaviors
Portal users more likely to be younger, white, have commercial insurance, higher annual income
Anaphylactic Reactions Tied to PICC Insertion With Magnetic Tip
Anaphylactic, anaphylactoid reactions linked to PICC insertion using Sherlock tip locating system
2000 to 2015 Saw Increase in Medicare GME Payments
Increase mainly due to indirect payments, primarily inpatient costs rather than resident-to-bed ratio
Medicare Fraud-Prevention Rules to Be Revised
Current rules make it difficult for hospitals and doctors to work together, officials say
Burnout Linked to Poor Quality Care in Published Literature
But effect size may be smaller than reported, especially for objective quality measures
Cost of Waste in U.S. Health System Estimated
Total annual costs of waste vary from $760 to $935 billion; estimated savings range from $191 to $282 billion
Testosterone, Estradiol Levels May Play Role in Sex Differences in Asthma
Effect of sex hormones modified by obesity in adults with asthma
Survey: Many U.S. Adults Not Planning to Get Flu Vaccine
Vaccine knowledge and anticipated rates of vaccination even lower for pneumococcal disease
Ligelizumab Safely, Effectively Treats Hives
Doses of 72 mg or 240 mg tied to complete control of symptoms after 12-week trial