
Hormonal Contraceptives Linked to Decline in Asthma Exacerbation


Risk reduced with previous and current use of any and combined hormonal contraceptives, not with progestogen-only use

~65 Percent of Office-Based Doctors Can ID Patients in Need of Follow-Up

Wrong-Patient Order Entry Errors Reduced With Patient Photos


Display of patient photographs in electronic health records associated with decrease in WPOE errors

Copy of test cn allergy

Final Diagnosis Often Differs From Referral Diagnosis for EIS


In 54 percent of children with exercise-induced respiratory symptoms, final diagnosis differed from referral diagnosis

Hay menos visitas a urgencias por crisis de asma después de Obamacare

Permanent Night Shift Workers at Higher Risk for Asthma


Increase in risk for moderate-severe asthma observed in morning chronotypes working irregular shifts, including nights

ctm -- B 11/4 Not All Pediatric Heart Tests Are Necessary

Antibiotic Therapy Before Age 2 May Affect Child Health


Risk for childhood onset of health conditions increased for those with early-life antibiotic exposure

Fewer ER Visits for Asthma Crises After Obamacare: Study

Asthma EMS Dispatch Rate Down With Insurance Expansion


Asthma EMS dispatch rate in New York City decreased after implementation of the Affordable Care Act

AHA: 2007 to 2018 Saw Increase in Prepregnancy Hypertension

Patients Happier With Doctors of Same Race


Authors say findings point to importance of having a diverse physician workforce

COVID-19 Infection Higher Among Support Staff Than Doctors, Nurses


Black and Latino workers have twice the odds of a positive virus or antibody test