Women Physicians Delay Childbearing Versus Nonphysicians
Physicians more likely to experience childbirth at older ages; have same cumulative probability of childbirth as nonphysicians
Female Sex, Work Culture Biggest Contributors to Physician Burnout
Compared with electronic health record usage at an academic medical center, clinician sex and work culture contributed more to burnout
Guidance Updated for Assessing Allergy Risk of COVID-19 Vaccines
Janssen adenovirus type 26 vectored vaccine may be considered for individuals who self-report PEG allergy
Proportion of Black Physicians Has Changed Little Since 1900
Racial income differences were statistically significant each survey year, with difference of $50,000 in 2018
Asthma Exacerbations, ED Admissions Decreased During Lockdown
Nonpharmaceutical interventions to reduce COVID-19 associated with reduction in admissions for COPD, asthma
Many Older Adults Unaware of Potential Side Effects for New Rx
Physicians should spend more time discussing possible side effects of a newly prescribed medication during the office visit, authors say
Prenatal, Postnatal Exposure to PM2.5 Linked to Pediatric Allergic Rhinitis
Association seen between incident allergic rhinitis and increase in PM2.5 during period from 30 gestational weeks to 52 weeks after birth
ACAAI Updates Guidance for Allergic Reactions to COVID-19 Vaccines
Guidance relates to risks for allergic reactions for mRNA (Moderna and Pfizer) and adenovirus vector (Johnson & Johnson) COVID-19 vaccines
Children’s Food Allergies Impact Parents’ Mental Well-Being
Intolerance of uncertainty may be a promising target for psychological interventions
Pooled Analysis Shows Men Have Higher Mortality Than Women
Effect size varies across countries; smoking and cardiovascular disease substantially attenuate effect size