Vitamin D Supplements Do Not Reduce Asthma Exacerbations Overall
Supplements reduce risk among children with low serum 25(OH)D and have beneficial effects in children with atopic dermatitis, allergic rhinitis
Disparities Seen in Treatment of Middle Ear Infections in U.S. Children
Socially disadvantaged children less likely to receive treatment for recurrent or suppurative otitis media
FDA: Patients Should Be Cautious When Using Online Pharmacies to Buy Meds
Red flags include pharmacies that do not require a doctor's prescription or have a licensed pharmacist to answer questions
FDA Oversight of Clinical Trials Described as ‘Grossly Inadequate’
Article describes inadequate oversight relating to development of COVID-19 vaccines and predating the pandemic
Multidimensional Factors Shaped Physician Stress During Pandemic
Physicians' perceptions of occupational stress at individual level were shaped by stressors within and across four levels
ACAAI: Epinephrine Auto-Injector Use Low Among Adults With Food Allergy
Furthermore, one-third of adults with food allergy think epinephrine auto-injectors can cause life-threatening effects
Urban-Dwelling Indigenous Young People Face Higher Burden of Skin Conditions
Incidence rates of atopic dermatitis and bacterial skin infections higher among urban-living Indigenous children and young people in high-income countries
Willingness to Use Videohealth Increased During Pandemic
Increase especially pronounced for Black adults and adults with lower educational attainment
Caregiver Depression Linked to Child Asthma Outcomes
Reduction in caregiver depressive symptoms may have positive impact on child asthma outcomes, partially mediated by child depressive symptom severity
Occupational Exposures Linked to Decline in Lung Capacity
Authors say exposure control and regular respiratory health surveillance needed for workers