Recognizing the unique role of patients and their expertise within the physician-patient interaction can help to prevent non-adherence based on disagreement

Recognition of Patient Expertise Can Improve Adherence

Recognizing patient expertise in treatment decision can prevent nonadherence based on disagreement
Uninsurance rates have decreased since the introduction of the Affordable Care Act

Remaining Uninsured May Be Difficult to Reach Via ACA

Reaching the remaining uninsured may be difficult due to lack of Medicaid expansion on the state level
There is strong evidence to support intermittent inhaled corticosteroids for prevention of wheeze exacerbations in preschool children with intermittent asthma or viral-triggered wheezing

Intermittent Steroids Reduce Some Asthma Exacerbations

Findings for preschool children with intermittent asthma or viral-triggered wheezing
Prenatal supplementation with omega-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids does not reduce immunoglobulin E-associated allergic disease in children

Prenatal n-3 LCPUFAs Don’t Cut IgE-Linked Disease in Children

No reduction in disease at age 6 years; protective effect suggested on D. farinae sensitization
Increased urine metabolomic lipid metabolites are associated with clinical parameters in non-obese asthma patients

Urine Metabolomics Linked to Clinical Parameters of Asthma

Increased urine metabolomics correlate with parameters including asthma severity in non-obese
Earlier introduction to potentially allergenic foods may decrease the risk of sensitization

ATS: Feeding Infants Certain Foods Early May Cut Allergy Risk

Study supports turnaround in thinking about peanuts, eggs, and milk
Strategies can be employed to maximize the amount of time available for patient care by streamlining revenue-related processes

Strategies Can Help Streamline Revenue-Related Processes

They can be employed to help maximize amount of time available for patient care
Thirty percent of female physicians face sexual harassment on the job

Sexual Harassment Experienced by One-Third of Female Doctors

And two-thirds say they experience gender bias in workplace
Full-time physicians reporting worsening burnout or decreased job satisfaction are more likely to reduce their work hours

Burnout, Lack of Job Satisfaction Driving Doctors to Cut Hours

Full-time physicians reporting worsening burnout or decreasing job satisfaction more likely to cut hours
Black henna

Temporary Skin Tattoos Can Evoke Delayed Hypersensitivity

10-year-old presented with erythematous, pruritic, papulovesicular rash after black henna tattoo