Risk for Meniere Disease Increased With Upper Respiratory Infections
Likelihood of developing MD increased 2.01-fold among those with URI within one year prior to the index date
Nitrofurantoin, Cranberry Products May Cut UTI Episodes in Children
Review shows lower odds of symptomatic UTI episodes in children with history of recurrent UTIs with nitrofurantoin, cranberry
American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, Oct. 24-28
Cognitive Decline Slowed With Cognitive Remediation in At-Risk Adults
CR plus transcranial direct current stimulation slows cognitive decline in older adults with remitted MDD with or without MCI
Supply Chain Issues Less Likely to Yield Drug Shortages in Canada Versus U.S.
Reports of supply chain issues less likely to be linked to drug shortages in Canada than U.S., with findings consistent before and after pandemic
Dose-Dependent Association Seen for Smoking, CVD Risk
Light ex-smokers have significant reduction in CVD risk within 10 years of cessation, while risk disappears in >25 years for heavy ex-smokers
1998 to 2023 Saw Decline in Triplet, Higher-Order Birth Rate
Decline from 193.5 to 73.8 births per 100,000 total births, with largest decline seen from 2009 to 2023
Vasomotor Symptoms During Menopause May Up Risk for Type 2 Diabetes
Women with persistently high VMS have increased risk for diabetes versus those with persistently low VMS
ASN: 1990 to 2021 Saw Global Rise in Chronic Kidney Disease Cases, Deaths in...
Type 2 diabetes and hypertension were the major contributors to chronic kidney disease-related deaths among women in 2021
Early TAVR Beneficial for Asymptomatic Severe Aortic Stenosis
Early transcatheter aortic valve replacement bests clinical surveillance for reducing death, stroke, unplanned hospitalization