Polycaprolactone Efficient for Nasolabial Fold Treatment
Improved outcomes compared with nonanimal stabilized hyaluronic acid-based fillers
Light Therapy Seems Promising for Nonspecific Back Pain
Reduction in pain intensity, improvement in depressive symptoms in adult patients
Review Highlights Anesthetic Implications of Ebola Virus
Limited data relating to Ebola care; use of personal protection equipment important, even in emergencies
Race, Ethnicity Appear to Affect Lupus Prognosis in U.S.
Asians, Hispanics have lower mortality rates
Rates of Hospital-Acquired Infection on the Decline
Still, more work to be done says CDC director
FDA: Stimulation Device Approved to Treat Obesity
Targets vagus nerve which regulates hunger
Working Long Hours? Beware Risky Alcohol Consumption
Researchers find link between long hours on the job and excess alcohol consumption
Guidance Offered for Ethical Referrals Within ACOs
Influencing referrals should be transparent, with appropriate metrics and the right incentives
Aerobic Exercise Reduces Fatigue With Radiotherapy for Breast CA
Findings in a quasi-experimental study of Taiwanese women with early-stage breast cancer
Community Efforts Saved Lives, Cut Costs in Maine
Better screening, control of high cholesterol and blood pressure cut deaths and hospitalizations