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The number of measles cases in the United States has reached 141 patients in 17 states and the District of Columbia

CDC: Biggest Rise in Recent Measles Cases in Illinois

Latest CDC tally has 141 people sickened in 17 states and the District of Columbia
Scientists have issued a comprehensive map of human epigenomes -- the range of chemical and structural shifts that determine how genes govern health. The group published the new map online Feb. 18 in Nature

‘Most Comprehensive Map’ of Human Epigenomes Presented

Result of years of work by an international consortium of researchers
Seasonal influenza vaccines trigger immune system protection against the H7N9 influenza virus

Seasonal Flu Vaccine Can Offer Cross-Protection Against H7N9

Research reveals protective response to more unique virus strains
Children over 2 years old who nap during the day tend to go to bed later and get less sleep than those who give up napping

Data Lacking to Support Childhood Naps Above Age 2

Enforcing naps after children naturally outgrow them leads to less sleep overall
Varenicline (Chantix) can boost the likelihood that cigarette smokers who aren't ready to stop cold turkey will cut down gradually

Varenicline May Help Smokers Not Yet Ready to Quit

But drug's side effects still worry some doctors
Many American women with locally-advanced breast cancer do not receive recommended radiation therapy after mastectomy

Many Women Not Receiving Recommended Radiation Tx

More than a third with locally-advanced disease don't get treatment aimed at preventing tumor's return
Half of major complications within 30 days of electrophysiology procedures occur after discharge

Post-Electrophysiology Mortality Usually Not Related to Procedure

Caution urged in using all-cause mortality as outcome measure for EP procedures
Clinical interventions should be implemented to help cancer survivors make lifestyle behavior changes

Cancer Survivors Need Healthful Lifestyle Advice

Oncology care teams should provide guidance on lifestyle change as part of survivorship care
For patients with hepatitis C virus

Cost-Effectiveness of Immediate HCV Rx in Early Disease Analyzed

Rx tied to substantial costs that may compel clinicians, patients to consider delaying treatment
In a new study

Fondaparinux Found to Effectively Treat NSTEMI

Swedish researchers find fondaparinux is effective, and reduces bleeding risk versus heparin