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Endoscopes that were used to perform digestive procedures between October and January were contaminated with carbapenem-resistant enterobacteriaceae

Duodenoscopes Infected With CRE at UCLA Med Center

Endoscopes blamed for spread of potentially deadly bacteria
The Affordable Care Act remains one of the most significant -- and controversial -- achievements of President Barack Obama's presidency. And Americans remain deeply divided over the health-care reform law that was signed by Obama five years ago

HealthDay/Harris Poll: Americans Still Divided Over ACA

A consistent 30 percent of Americans favor repeal of Affordable Care Act
Educating women about the possibility of overdiagnosis from mammography screening may make some of them less likely to get the test

Better Informed Women Less Likely to Want Mammogram

Risks and benefits of routine mammography continue to be debated
When expectant mothers are exposed to phthalates during the first trimester

Phthalates in First Trimester May Affect Male Fertility

Shorter anogenital distance has been linked to infertility and low sperm count
New research helps explain why getting too little sleep might boost diabetes risk. The study was published online Feb. 19 in Diabetologia.

Lack of Sleep Tied to Increased Levels of Free Fatty Acids

Findings may help explain why getting too little sleep might boost diabetes risk
Although people around the world are eating more healthy foods

Unhealthy Outpacing Healthy Eating in Most World Regions

The United States has one of the lowest-quality diets in the world
Some bodybuilders are drinking human breast milk in the mistaken belief it will give a boost to their muscles.
Fear of discrimination is a major reason why about one-third of lesbian

Fear of Discrimination Keeps Many LGBT Med Students Silent

Thirty percent of LGBT surveyed said they didn't reveal sexual identity in medical school
For older adults with physical impairments

Household Movement Benefits Elderly With Mobility Issues

Less sedentary time translates into cardiovascular benefits
New research compared three leading drugs for diabetic macular edema -- bevacizumab (Avastin)

Three Meds for Diabetic Macular Edema Compared

Aflibercept has slight advantage over bevacizumab, ranibizumab, but cost is an issue