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For patients with suspected angina due to coronary heart disease

ACC: CTCA Alters Diagnosis, Management in Suspected Angina

CTCA alters diagnosis, testing, tx for patients with suspected angina due to coronary heart disease
More than two million kidney failure patients worldwide die prematurely every year because they can't get treatment

Premature Death From Kidney Failure a Global Issue

Dire need for low-cost dialysis techniques that could be used worldwide, researcher says
Estimates of cancer incidence for 2011 in the United States show that about two-thirds of those with cancer survive five or more years after diagnosis

CDC Releases Estimates of Cancer Incidence, Survival for 2011

Sixty-five percent of those with cancer survived five years or more; survival lower among blacks
For emergency department patients with pneumonia

Real-Time Decision Support Tool Aids ER Pneumonia Patients

Post deployment, significantly lower mortality in patients with community-acquired pneumonia
A handoff tool

Handoff Tool Alone Insufficient to Handle Nighttime Clinical Issues

Tool used as information source by residents in 27.7 percent of nighttime clinical encounters
Patients express high satisfaction with ablative fractional skin resurfacing for photoaged skin

High Satisfaction for Ablative Fractional Skin Resurfacing

Improvements in skin-related quality of life, patient satisfaction with skin appearance
The process of selecting and preparing for a fellowship training program

Tips Provided for Residents Applying to Fellowship Training

Specific tips provided for those applying to pulmonary, critical care medicine fellowship training
Experts have long assumed that as a man's testosterone level declines

Declining Desire May Lead to Lower Testosterone Levels

Lower levels linked to decreased sexual activity and desire, but not to fewer erections
Chronic kidney disease during pregnancy puts women and their babies at risk for certain types of problems

Any Kidney Disease to Be Seen As Relevant in Pregnancy

Careful monitoring necessary, researchers say
Measures of hospitalist physician continuity do not show a consistent or significant association with the incidence of adverse events

Hospitalist Continuity Doesn’t Appear to Greatly Affect AEs

Hospitalist physician continuity by itself does not appear to affect the incidence of adverse events