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Interventions can increase blood culture ordering in children hospitalized with community-acquired pneumonia

Interventions Up Blood Culture Ordering in Pediatric Pneumonia

Increase in blood cultures for kids hospitalized with community-acquired pneumonia; no impact on LOS
Male sex is associated with worse memory and adjusted hippocampal volume across the adult life span

Study Examines Age, Sex, APOE ε4 Effects in Adults

Memory and adjusted hippocampal volume worse in men than women; no sex difference in amyloid PET
Rapid-onset bacterial infections can occur after non-ablative fractional resurfacing with 1

Rapid-Onset Bacterial Infection Reported After Laser Treatment

Report describes five cases of rapid-onset bacterial infection occurring one day to one week after tx
Since 2007 there has been a sharp increase in workplace suicides

Workplace Suicides Up Sharply Since 2007

Highest rates seen in men; older workers; and those in farming, fishing, forestry, protective service jobs
There is a lack of agreement among clinicians about who is responsible for specific roles in the medication reconciliation process

Lack of Agreement for Meds Reconciliation Responsibilities

Lack of agreement among clinicians about specific roles and responsibilities in the process
Higher total white blood cell and neutrophil counts are independent predictors of stroke in older Japanese-American men

WBC, Neutrophil Counts Predict Stroke Risk in Older Asian Men

Higher total WBC, neutrophil counts independently predict stroke in older Japanese-American men
Screening men presenting with erectile dysfunction for cardiovascular disease risk factors can potentially cut future cardiovascular events and save billions of dollars over 20 years

Cardiovascular Screening in Men With ED Could Save Billions

Savings seen over 20 years due to identifying men with previously unknown cardiovascular risk factors
Early imaging is not associated with improved outcomes at one year among older adults with a new primary care visit for back pain

Early Imaging Doesn’t Improve Back Pain Outcomes in Seniors

For older adults with new primary care visit for back pain, no improvement with early imaging
Individual pathologists' interpretations of a single breast biopsy slide generally concur with expert consensus-derived reference diagnoses

Accuracy High for Pathologists Interpreting Breast Biopsy

Based on single breast slide, overall agreement 75.3 percent for individual pathologist versus consensus
Increasing diet soda intake is tied to greater abdominal obesity in older adults

Diet Soda Intake Tied to Belly Fat in Older Adults

Findings show a dose-response relationship, even when adjusting for other factors