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Free flap breast reconstruction is a viable and safe procedure in elderly patients

Free Flap Breast Reconstruction Safe in Elderly Patients

Older women want breast reconstruction at rates similar to those of nonelderly breast cancer patients
The use of tap water in a nasal-flushing Neti pot likely led to a Seattle woman's death from a Balamuthia mandrillaris brain infection

Tap Water in Neti Pot Linked to Death From Brain-Eating Amoeba

Amoeba entered the upper nasal cavity and then the bloodstream, eventually reaching the brain
Stress related to use of health information technology is common and predictive of burnout among physicians

HIT-Related Stress Linked to Burnout Among Physicians

Odds of burnout up with report of poor/marginal time for documentation, time spent on EHR at home
Later-born siblings of children with autism spectrum disorder or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder have elevated risk of being diagnosed with the same or the other disorder

Risk Up for Later-Born Siblings of Children With ASD, ADHD

Odds of both ASD and ADHD increased for later-born siblings of children with either diagnosis
Veterans Health Administration (VHA) hospitals outperform non-VHA hospitals for 14 of 15 outcome measures in 121 regions

Veterans Health Administration Hospitals Outperform Non-VHAs

When 121 regions were considered together, VHA care was better for 14 of 15 outcome measures
The increased risk for breast cancer that occurs after childbirth can last more than 20 years

Higher Risk for Breast Cancer After Childbirth May Last 20+ Years

Risk peaks five years after childbirth but continues until 24 years postbirth
For older patients

Cemented Metal-on-Polyethylene Implants Best for Seniors

For men, women aged older than 65 years, small-head cemented metal-on-polyethylene cost-effective
Statins are associated with a low risk for side effects

AHA Scientific Statement: Low Risk of Side Effects for Statins

Risk for statin-induced serious muscle injury <0.1 percent, newly diagnosed diabetes ~0.2 percent
From 2012 to 2016

2012 to 2016 Saw Increase in Syphilis Among Pregnant Women

Overall, 49 percent of pregnant women with syphilis did not report any of 15 risk factors
Women may have a lower risk for chronic kidney disease progression and death compared with men

Women Face Less Kidney Disease Morbidity and Mortality Than Men

Risk for progression to end-stage renal disease and death appears to be lower in women than men