Eliminating the Affordable Care Act's individual mandate penalty is unlikely to destabilize the individual market in California but could roll back coverage gains

ACA Coverage Gains Could Erode Without Individual Mandate

However, individual market in California not expected to destabilize because of mandate penalty
From 1997 through 2016

Medical Marketing Has Increased in Past 20 Years

Considerable increase seen from 1997 through 2016, especially in direct-to-consumer advertising
The costs of having two noncommunicable diseases is generally superadditive

Costs Higher for Those With Comorbid Noncommunicable Diseases

Health expenditure greater for person with two diseases simultaneously than for the diseases separately
Survivors of childhood Hodgkin lymphoma remain at increased risk for developing subsequent malignant neoplasms

Childhood Hodgkin Lymphoma Survivors at Risk for Later Cancers

Survivors have 14-fold increased risk for developing a solid subsequent malignant neoplasm
Nearly 11 percent of U.S. adults are estimated to be food-allergic

About 11 Percent of U.S. Adults Have Food Allergy

But nearly 20 percent think they are food-allergic; shellfish, milk, peanut are most common allergies
In patients without broad-definition anemia and/or abdominal mass

Anemia Criteria Assist Decision on Type of Colorectal Cancer Screen

Risk for proximal cancers low among patients without broad-definition anemia and/or abdominal mass

December 2018 Briefing – Gastroenterology

Here are what the editors at HealthDay consider to be the most important developments in Gastroenterology for December 2018. This roundup includes the latest...
For average-risk patients

Long-Term Reduction in CRC Risk After Negative Colonoscopy

At 10-year rescreening interval, risks for colorectal cancer and related deaths significantly reduced
A nurse-led primary care intervention can increase the number of new diagnoses of liver disease

Nurse-Led Program in Primary Care Can Up Detection of Liver Dz

More incident cases identified in intervention arm with nurse-led primary care-based liver clinics
Many veterans have strong preferences against colorectal cancer screening cessation even when provided with information about the potential low benefit of screening

Many Veterans Oppose Cessation of Colorectal Cancer Screening

More than one-quarter of those surveyed not comfortable with stopping low-value screening